Saturday, 10 October 2009

DNS Server Speedy




















Tuesday, 1 September 2009

AMD Phenom II

Phenom II X4 955 3.2Ghz 2.086.000
Biostar T790GX A3+ 1.102.00
VGEN DDR3 (2 x 2GB) 850.000
total 4.038.000

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Back up strategy

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Jakarta Bom July 17 2009 at J.W Marriot and Ritz Carlton

At 7.50 , there was a big explosion in J.W Marriot. About 5 minutes after, it happened again at Ritz Carlton.

9 people had died shortly after that booming and one of them is CEO of Holcim, Timothy Mackay. About 50 people were considered to be injured.

Ambulance are too slowly, they come to the booming place after about 35 minutes late.

Ritz Carlton was the hotel that Manchester United would stay on Saturday and Sunday in Indonesia. But, now Manchester United might be canceled the match against Indonesia All Stars.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Install Nvidia Geforce 9100 M di Linux untuk ACER 4530

Download dulu drivernya di
Teken CTRL+ALT F1, nanti masuk ke layar hitam.
Jangan takut.

Langkah berikutnya mematikan X server dengan cara :
Untuk Desktop KDE(Kubuntu) :
sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
Untuk Desktop GNOME(Ubuntu) :
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop

Sekarang install drivernya:
pindah ke current directory dimana file drivernya disimpan. Contohnya file gw :
Terus ketik :
sudo sh

Nah, seharusnya instalasi sudah sukses(Kalo gak sukses jangan salahin gw).
Sekarang , tinggal setting file konfigurasi XServer supaya dia menggunakan Nvidia Driver.
Caranya gampang, yaitu :

Pindah ke directory /usr/bin/
Commandnya : cd /usr/bin/
Lalu jalanin file nvidia-config
Commandnya : ./nvidia-config

Tool nvidia-config ini secara otomatis akan membuat back-up file konfigurasi X server lalu tool ini akan mensetting file konfigurasi yang asli supaya menggunakan Nvidia Driver.

Sekarang restart X servernya
Commandnya :
Teken CTRL + ALT + F1
jangan takut
Untuk Desktop KDE(Kubuntu) :
sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
Untuk Desktop GNOME(Ubuntu) :
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start

Ingat!!! Kalo di komputer Anda tidak jalan jangan salahin saya! Di komputer saya jalan!

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Spec komputer

intel :

E7500 Box 1pc 1.477.000,-
Corsair Twin2X4096-8500C5 1pc 745.000,-
WDC 500Gb SATA-II 8Mb 1pc 563.000,-
Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3L 1pc 1.438.000,-
Acbel Pure 420W oem 1pc 380.000,-
Avaris / E-Case 450w 1pc 170.000,-
Pioneer A217BK 20x Sata Box 1pc 328.000,-
GRAND TOTAL 5.101.000,-

amd :

Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition 1pc 2.022.000,-
V-GEN 2Gb PC 6400 2pcs 490.000,-
WDC 500Gb SATA-II 8Mb 1pc 563.000,-
Biostar TA790GX-XE Full Capasitor 1pc 980.000,-
Acbel Pure 420W oem 1pc 380.000,-
Avaris / E-Case 450w 1pc 170.000,-
DVD-RW Dual Layer Pioneer A217BK 20x Sata Box 1pc 328.000,-
GRAND TOTAL 4.933.000,-

Phenom II X3 710 1pc 1.298.000,-
Biostar TA790GX-XE Full Capasitor 1pc 980.000,-
Acbel Pure 420W oem 1pc 380.000,-
DVD-RW Lite On 22x (oem) Sata 1pc 250.000,-
GRAND TOTAL 2.908.000,-

Athlon64 X2 7750 1pc 633.000,-
V-GEN 2Gb PC 6400 1pc 245.000,-
WDC 320Gb SATA-II 16Mb 1pc 485.000,-
Biostar TA790GX-XE Full Capasitor 1pc 980.000,-
Acbel Pure 420W oem 1pc 380.000,-
DVD-RW Lite On 22x (oem) Sata 1pc 250.000,-
GRAND TOTAL 2.973.000,-

Athlon64 X2 7550 Tray 1pc 584.000,-
V-GEN 1Gb PC 5300 / 6400 1pc 145.000,-
WDC 160Gb SATA-II 8Mb 1pc 414.000,-
Biostar GF8100 M2+ 1pc 505.000,-
Acbel Pure 420W oem 1pc 380.000,-
Avaris / E-Case 450w 1pc 170.000,-
Lite On 22x (oem) Sata 1pc 250.000,-
HIS HD 4650 512Mb 128Bit DDR2 1pc 568.000,-
GRAND TOTAL 3.016.000,-

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Javascript Form Validation

<script language="javascript">

//nama harus diisi
//alamat harus diisi
//jenis kelamin harus diisi
//jurusan harus dipilih
//hobi harus dicentang minimal satu
function validasi(){

var pesan = "";

var nama = formulir.nama.value; //ambil nama
var alamat = formulir.alamat.value; // ambil alamat
var jenis = formulir.jenis; // ambil jenis
var jurusan = formulir.jurusan.selectedIndex; // ambil jurusan
var hobi = formulir.hobi; // ambil hobi

//jika nama kosong
pesan += "Nama harus diisi\n";
//jika alamat kosong
else if(alamat==""){
pesan += "Alamat harus diisi\n";
// jika jenis pria tidak dicentang dan jenis wanita tidak dicentang
else if(jenis[0].checked == false && jenis[1].checked == false){
pesan += "Jenis Kelamin blom dipilih\n";
//jika jurusan blom dipilih indexnya 0 , yaitu :pilih jurusan:
else if(jurusan == 0){
pesan += "Jurusan harus dipilih\n";
//jika semua hobi tidak dicentang
else if(hobi[0].checked == false && hobi[1].checked==false && hobi[2].checked==false){
pesan += "Hobi harus dipilih\n";

//jika pesan kesalahan kosong maka sukses
if(pesan == "")alert("Sukses");
//tampilkan pesan kesalahannya
else alert(pesan);
<form name="formulir">

<input id="nama" type="text">

<textarea name="alamat"></textarea>

<td>Jenis Kelamin</td>
<input name="jenis" type="radio">Pria
<input name="jenis" type="radio">Wanita

<select id="jurusan">
<option>::Pilih Jurusan::</option>
<option>Teknik Informatika</option>
<option>Sistem Informasi</option>
<option>Komputerisasi Akuntansi</option>

<input name="hobi" type="checkbox">Makan
<input name="hobi" type="checkbox">Minum
<input name="hobi" type="checkbox">Tidur

<td> </td>
<input type="submit" value="daftar" onclick="validasi();return false;">
<input type="reset" value="reset">



Untuk komponen input text, textarea, select sebaiknya menggunakan "id". Sedangkan untuk komponen radio button dan checkbox sebaikknya menggunakan "name".
Pada input type="submit" terdapat pemanggilan fungsi javascript validasi(); diikuti dengan return false. Tujuan dari return false ini adalah supaya formnya tidak disubmit kemana mana , karena yang kita butuhkan disini adalah validasi pada halaman ini saja.
Coding diatas hanya dapat dipakai untuk memvalidasi bahwa semua data harus diisi, jika terdapat kriteria lagi seperti alamat harus dengan pola gimana, maka coding diatas perlu ditambahkan logika yang sesuai soal.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Hashtab download

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Tekkom Binusmaya

klik iklannya.
jangan lupa.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Good film : Breakaway

Monday, 9 February 2009

Servlet and JSP doLogin

Download the entire project here
The file exercise.rar contains JSP and Servlet code. I hope you can try this at home!
You'll see that there is only a little differencies using JSP or Servlet. I actually use the same logic for the project! If you use JSP , then the logic code will be placed in a file .jsp or if you use Servlet, your logic code will be placed in a file .class.
Sorry, I don't have enough time to explain it by detail now.
Any question? Just post a comment here or chat with me!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Servlet Basic Tutorial

This is the Servlet Basic tutorial. I'll guide you to run your first Servlet through the rest of this post.
First of all, you have to install java. You can download the latest Java version from here
I use Apache Tomcat for the server which you can download it here then install both of them to your computer.

After installing(I assume that you install both to their default path installation), you can begin editing your first servlet. To make it easier, I use template for Servlet class. The template will look like this :

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

//MyServet is the class name
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet{

//Method for handling Get
//Default method is Get
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException{

response.setContentType("text/html"); // this should be called first

PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // Returns a PrintWriter


//Logic goes here
//Example :
out.println("<font color='blue'>");
out.print("Hello Word");




//Method for handling Post
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException{
//you can leave it blank , if you don't use post method


From the root server directory, the default root directory is "webapps" or in the absolute path "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps" if your Tomcat version is 5.X. Make a new folder,name it "exercise". Now, in webapps folder, there is a folder named "exercise". Create the file structure like this :

You can download servlet-api.jar here

Open with your favorite editor. I use notepad++ in this tutorial which you can also download it here
Now, we'll make the classical "Hello World" application to your first servlet. Just copy and paste the code to your editor. After it, save the file.

Open web.xml, copy the following code to that file then save.


The java source code( is now ready to be compiled. The question is "How can I compile the file?"
You can compile it by using your commmand prompt. I use Windows XP for the operating system.
Before you start, you must set the Environment variable path. You can do this by going to Control Panel -> System -> click Advanced tab then edit Path variable by adding this code ";C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin;" (without double quotes) then OK and OK and OK. The code you can get it by exploring Java folder, every Java version can have a different path, so you must get the path by yourself. I just give you my Java path.

Let's move on! You can open the command prompt by pressing Windows + R and then you type "cmd" (without double quotes) then press ENTER.
Now, the command prompt window is opened. Then type "CD C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\exercise\WEB-INF\classes" (depends on the server installation path) then press ENTER. Type "javac -cp .;servlet-api.jar" then press ENTER. You'll see that if there are no error, the new file MyServlet.class will be generated by that process. So that, in you classes folder, there are, servlet-api.jar,MyServlet.class.

Run the Tomcat server now. I know you can run the server , so I don't explain it here. Open your browser, type
"http://localhost:8080/exercise/MyServlet" (without double quotes) , then press ENTER. You'll see the "Hello World" and the color of that words is BLUE. Please remember that any changes you made to, after you compiled it, you must restart the server to make effects.

You can download the entire project here

Great! You've already run your first Servlet ever! Thank you for reading this tutorial, I hope you can enjoy! If there are problems you can post comments or chat with me!

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Automata Theory

Kisi kisi tba 2009
1. a,b. Finite Automata dengan Output
Kisi - kisi : Soal Teori mengenai Moore Machine
2. a,b. Regular Expression vs CFG
Kisi - kisi : Diketahui RE, ditanya NFA dan CFG
3. a,b. CFG
Kisi - kisi : Diketahui CFG, ditanya CGF no useless symbol dan CNF
4. CFG
Kisi - kisi : Diketahui CFG, ditanya GNF
5. a,b. Push Down Automata
Kisi - kisi : Diketahui PDA, ditanya ID dan bentuk umum bahasa

Contoh soal :

Grammar G = {{S,A,B,C,D},{a,b},P,S}
dengan produksi P:
S -> aA | BD C -> b | bS | aAA
A -> a | aS | bCC D -> bD | DB
B -> aB | BD
Tuliskan grammar G1 (ekuivalen G) yang tidak mengandung useless symbol.

Cari bentuk Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) untuk grammar berikut :
S -> AB | CA
A -> a
B -> BC | AB
C -> aB | b

Diketahui CFG G = ({S,A,B},{a,b},P,S)
dimana P terdiri dari :
1. S -> bA
2. S -> aB
3. A -> bAA
4. A -> aS
5. A -> a
6. B -> aBB
7. B -> bS
8. B -> b
Buatlah bentuk Chomsky Normal Form dari CFG di atas.

Diketahui suatu Grammar G = ({A1, A2, A3}, {a, b}, P, A1)
dimana P terdiri dari :
1. A1 -> A2 A3
2. A2 -> A3 A1 | b
3. A3 -> A1 A2 | a
Buatlah bentuk Greibach Normal Form dari CFG di atas.

Diketahui suatu Push Down Automata (PDA) dengan Grammar
M = ({q1, q2}, {0, 1, c}, {M, B, H}, "symbol delta", q, M, "symbol himpunan kosong") dan mekanisme kerja digambarkan dalam tabel berikut :

Buatlah Langkah-langkah PDA diatas bila diberikan string input : 0011100